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Heard of Cards Against Humanity? The party card game for horrible people, who profanely and rudely ridicule humanity in general? In the creator’s words: It’s as ‘despicable and awkward as you and your friends.’ So, that’s not our idea, but we did model ours on it and, to tell you the truth, we came up with something a lot better.

We were the kids on the block who always made up card games to play at parties. They were our own ideas and most of the time they went down well. When we grew up, we took the Cards Against Humanity idea and created our own, unique card games with specific themes in mind, like Cards Against Disney, and Cards Against Muggles. When we saw the feedback we got and the amazing hits we were getting, we decided to play a greater game and go one step further.

Taking hugely popular TV series or movies, like The Simpsons, Star Wars, The Kardashians and Game of Thrones, we adapted these TV/Movie themes to our card game—for the foulest and vulgar fun-time play you could imagine.

We spent a lot of time on researching product materials and came up with the highest quality, professional-looking cards that are durable and long lasting even if the cards are sprayed with spit from laughing and endure uncontrollable belly-laughing bends.

We thought about the themes that would work the best. We looked for themes that we know you love. The Simpsons, for instance is a classic and we were sure that playing this card game would bring back fond and funny memories. It’s almost a cult following with all the themes we’ve chosen and your feedback and positive reviews just encourage us every time and so we know we chose well.

The cards are available online ONLY and you won’t find them in shops, and we make a point of making it crystal clear that our cards are FOR ADULTS ONLY. We wouldn’t want them to fall into the wrong hands.

Our mission is to be funny and make you laugh. If we achieve this, then we are satisfied.

100% satisfaction guaranteed

We stand by our high-quality products and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

48 Hour delivery available

We have multiple warehouses around the world, allowing us to provide you the quickest shipping times possible.

Secure Checkout

We use encrypted SSL security to ensure that your credit card information is 100% protected.